We regularly need help with the following. Can you help?
- Purchase a memorial bench to be placed at one of our properties to honor a loved one or promote a business. An informational brochure can be downloaded here.
- Donate plants for plant sales
- Plant preparation/gardening
- Donate prizes for raffles
- Event setup/take-down (Fall Festival, etc.)
- Event staffing
- Monitor a Trust area
- Trails/property construction and maintenance
- Preparation of mailings
- Office work (filing, database, etc.)
- Publications (editing/design/photos/writing)
- Publicity/media relations
- Grant writing/fundraising
- Professional services (accounting, etc.)
- Land conservation (landowner contacts, planning, etc.)
- Advocacy (letters/emails/phone calls to support conservation)
- Serve on Board of Directors
- Give a Tax-Deductible Gift
Gift donations to the Trust are essential for protection of more irreplaceable land and to pay the expenses for stewardship and maintenance of current Trust properties.
So if you would like to help your community and the environment and you have some time to spare please consider volunteering for the Trust. You will find it a rewarding experience available right in “your own backyard.” For more information please contact us at 413-529-9594 or by e-mail using our contact form. You’ll be glad you did.