This conservation area consists of a total of 17.5 acres bordering housing developments to the east and north and currently undeveloped land to the east. White Brook flows northward through the site and eventually empties into Nashawanannuck Pond. The property consists of two main portions that are divided by Crestview Drive which runs east/west in direction; the north sector (about 12 acres) and a smaller south sector (about 4.5 acres).
The two areas contain diverse plant communities and habitats including dry upland meadows, wet meadows and wetlands, wet forests (dominated by red maple and willow) and transitional forests (birch, aspen, oak and white pine). The property has experienced varying degrees of disturbance with some colonization by invasive species. Despite the disturbance, the area is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species and provides a corridor for movement of wildlife. Much of the conservation area consists of relatively undisturbed wetlands that border White Brook.
Despite the fragmented shape of the property and history of disturbance a study performed in 2008 reported some twenty-eight bird species and fifteen butterfly species.
This property provides an important piece of the White Brook corridor for the movement of wildlife. As an undeveloped parcel amidst manicured lawns, animals can pass undisturbed. With the development of surrounding open areas this property becomes increasingly important as a refuge for wetland and meadow plants and their associated insect populations.
Trails: No